2025 NMSG Annual Scientific Meeting Sponsor Levels

Sponsor submission form

The abstract submission portal is open here  and will close on June 1, 2025.

The NMSG will hold all the hotel bookings for sleeping rooms reserved by the attendees.
The cost is 189€ single and 230€ double and includes breakfast.
If you would like to reserve a sleeping room please email Liz Russo Paulk epaulk@kumc.edu

Regina Palace, Stresa, Lake Maggiore, Italy


09/26/2025 - 09/28/2025    
All Day


$80.00 - $1,200.00
Book Now


Regina Palace Hotel
Corso Umberto I, 29, 28838, Stresa
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Ticket Type Price Spaces
Members $195.00
Non-Members $300.00
Sponsoring Industry $700.00
Non profit / Government $175.00
Industry not sponsoring $1,200.00
Student $175.00
Additional Dinner Guest on Saturday night (one ticket is included with registration)
First come first serve. Includes transfer and return to the event, aperitivo, 4 course dinner and drinks.

Registration Information


Check here if you DO NOT want your name published on the attendee list.

* For Credit Card payments please choose the yellow PayPal checkout button.
** If you are using a coupon, enter the coupon code, press "Pay By Check" button. You will receive email confirmation; no need to submit the form multiple times!

Booking Summary

Please select at least one space to proceed with your booking.
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