
The MSG held its annual meeting on September 19-21, 2011, at Beaver Hollow Conference Center, Java Center, NY. The meeting was entitled “Translational Research in Neuromuscular Diseases: Diverse Diseases, Convergent Themes.” The meeting brought together members of the pharmaceutical industry and academic researchers.

The agenda included five major sessions: RNA Metabolism as Therapeutic Target in Muscle Disease, RNA Metabolism as Therapeutic Target in Motor Neuron Disease, Government/Foundation Perspectives on NM Themes, Animal Models and Translational Research, and Exercise as a Therapy for NM Disease.


The Muscle Study Group received permission to post the following abstracts online.

Fat Metabolism Syndrome in Patients with DMD Following Low Energy Femur FractureEmma Ciafaloni

Plasma Exchange Complications are Related to the Venous Access RouteJeffrey Guptill

A Prospective, Randomized Controlled Trial of Valproic Acid in Ambulant Adults with SMA: The VALIANT TrialJohn Kissel

Amyloidosis and Exercise Tolerance in AN05 Muscular DystrophyMargherita Milone

MRI Quantification of Lower Limb Muscle Fatty Atrophy: A Potential Outcome Measure in Chronic NM DiseasesJasper Morrow

Identifying the Cause of Phenotypic Variability in a Family with NDMDips Raja Rayan


The meeting was sponsored by:

  • National Institutes of Health, Grant #1R13NS076196-01
  • Muscular Dystrophy Association
  • ISIS Pharmaceuticals
  • PTC Therapeutics
  • Crescent Healthcare, Inc.
  • Genzyme Corporation